A2 Production Peice

AS Prodution Peice

Thursday, April 1, 2010

Task 1- In what ways do your media products use, develop or change forms and conventions of real media products?

The first full shot of our artist that you see is at this point at the beginning, this shot says a lot about her and it incorporates a lot of her attitude very quickly into he song it also is a statement of what this album is about. The album is called not me and has a connection to mirrors and not being in control of what you are, so the opening shot is very fitting were by we have her off set to the mirrors and giving a sort of ,“what you looking at” stance, as to kick start the video. It is also a good opening shot for our target audience which is teens to late teen’s, girls mostly and some boys. The whole rebellious girl against men and authority is what we were aiming for and I think that in this video and this shot we capture that.
Here is an example of another pop video which uses the same sort of image to connote roughly the same thing, aggression dominance and rebelliousness. This Beyonce video this is also the first time we see her in full so it shows that in terms of camera shots and choice of showing our artist we did something that is partially conventional.

This shot that I have chosen because it embodies what we wanted to do with this video and have our artist break the forth wall of the screen and reach out to the audience in a almost real way. This shot also touches on our theme of anger that we were going for and the hands which are on the camera points out the element of control that wanted to portray women having in a modern world were in many situations they do especially in relationships which takes us to the lyrics of the song which is related to the anger that is involved in relationships these days.
Here is an example form the same Beyonce video showing the same techniques to portray the same emotions and messages as ours, so it would appear that in our planning of the shots we have been able to pick p on what portrays our message well and follows a stereotype of how a woman my react to the betrayal of men

In our pop video we looked mainly at the representation of gender speaking more specifically we wanted to concentrate on the representation of women. We used several aspects under our control to help connote this to the audience. We used costume to help us with this and also the direction given to our artist was strong and dominant which is what we were trying to put across. The lyrics also helped us do this and following conventions of this style of music and there pop videos the video is usually close to what the lyrics are saying.
In this example we see a shot that we took which involves our artist putting shocking red lip stick on, this is a very steryotypical action of the artist we are trying to comunicat, and we can see that in a real artist of similar genre, is doing the same thing in there video. This shows us that it is an accurate convention that we followed.

Again in this example we show are artist doing the same thing as the real life artist. She is kicking at the camera to cover it up entirely. Which is the same in the pro video as she is hitting it with her hands though. We also used this shot for the same reason as well as we both used this shot to cut on. Again showing us that in pop videos this can be used as a convention and that we followed it well and accurately.

This shot looks at the narrative aspect of our pop video. Were by we wanted to take a conventional look at things and follow the lyrics quit literally. So what we did is watch the verses with following narrative shots which broke up with our performance based shots in the back round like you can see in this shot were the breaking threw what is presented as reality is what we are trying to get threw on this shot. Many pop videos of this genre follow this convenion of narrative for the verses and as our artist is quite conventional it is only just that we follow in the way we film as well as present her.

This shot is clearly quite a literal one because of the title of the song is breaking dishes and the image you can see is a plate being thrown onto the floor, this again may appear to be just following the song but is serving us the favour of again following the conformity of the modern charts music video industry and sticking with the song and not being to abstract or farfetched. We also used the shot quite effectively to cut on and to use as a flash on the screen for half a second to give some pace to some of our sequences.

Here we have a shot of were we used the blue screen to try to connote deeper meanings of our narrative. We used blue screen flats to move across the set. So then in after effects we put shots taken of her in a wedding dress but still lip sinking this is a slightly more unconventional look at thing witch is a slight change in what we have done in the rest of the video but its done now. What we also did is had her lip sinqing the words on the screen as well so when it came across the two images of her were relayed and this is think helped depict the fact that something had happened to her on the past and this is the reason why she is rebelling.

This is the front cover to the album that we created. We tried to keep it very simple and also follow what we found other artist had on there albums, that matched ours On our cover we tried to show that firstly it’s all about the artists, second the mirror theme of our pop video is the main song on the album so we headline the album with that because other artists such as rhianna do this, like her good girl gone bad

The back cover holds the same conventions it has the production company logo as well as the bar code and all the copy right information. Plus the titles of the album clearly in the middle. And the theme of the main song ,our one, is evident in the background with broken glass

Here we have the poster that we created. We decided to make it the same theme as the album cover so people would be able to see its relation and it would help during advertising and making people aware of this new artist

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