A2 Production Peice

AS Prodution Peice

Friday, October 31, 2008

horror poster in photoshop

In our second lesson we created a horror poster were by we used our photos that we toke and then we created a oor poster ere by we tryed to make a real horroe poster i created one were by it was in the woods and then i cut an iage of my self into it

First lesson on photoshop.

In our first media lesson in the media sweet. were we lernt the basics of photo shop. The first things we covered is how to simply open and close and move around images . then we moved on ot cutting and pasting images on to each other and then manipulating them on each other maybe flipping them round or even chngeing opasity and then we were asked to use a film poster and to change the meaning of it by cuttigng other images of it on to the main poster and then changeing stuff.

Sunday, October 12, 2008

Final thriller idea treatment for SNAPSHOT

Our fianl idea for the sequence is named Snapshot. The story is about an unemployed photographer who's using his time to develop photos of places around him. He is enjoying a relaxing session of devloping one day when things go weird. The photos he has taken of a field look odd and start to take on lines and shapes that do not belong . He looks at these photos in his dark room and gets confused, then suddenly puts these photos on the table and realises that there are some connections between the lines on each photos. He starts to try to solve the puzzle. Time passes, he solves the puzzle, which come out to be a dead butterfly. Cut to his scared face. Blackout.

He might wake up in a bed and start to piece together the evidence with a beautiful woman cop, about what happened to the people around him, and how they all died. There might be an evil from outside that has been brought back from his travels in his rucksack which would be signified by things like the African masks and wood carvings around the room.

After several discussions, our groups thinks and this is the best idea we've had. We want the dead butterfly to be the symbol of death.

My original idea was quite far away in face value from our final production but still remained to have a core part in our final idea. my idea was about the fear of something following you that was ambiguouse as in you didnt know wat it is. My idea was to use certain camera angles and lights to create the idea of a light following someone and the ide that you never see wat it is that is following them

Thursday, October 9, 2008

In our first practical lesson we went out and used a digital still camera and went out and took photos of each other. We took a variety of shots and angles some of these were. Close ups, wide shots, long shots, mid shots, extreme close ups, high angle, low angle and shots with intent. We also tried to pay attention to the looking space in the shot and the rule the thirds.

Why i choose media.

Reason I choose media is. Last year I failed at business studies, then I had to repeat the year and so I definitely did not want to do business again. My house master and tutor said that I might enjoy media because of its practical side so that is why I choose it.